Our Qigong Teacher Training is unique in the UK in that it provides an opportunity for you to gain a Government-recognised teaching qualification. There is additional content and assessment via a clearly structured and well developed guided home learning programme.

The course is divided into two sections – education and training (21 credits) and an action research project (15 credits) which offers an amazing opportunity to gain a Level 5 Action Research award in reflective practice. You can complete this course at your own pace either at the same time or after the Qigong teacher training programme. An approximate idea of time commitment is 360 hours which includes a requirement of 30 hours of teaching in groups or one to one. There is an opportunity to examine the course online to find out more about it before you make a commitment.

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training is recognised by schools, further education establishments and the NHS.

“This course has taken my own teaching to a new level – not only in planning and development but also in improving my delivery skills across a range of vocational settings. I recommend this to anyone who is serious about teaching and training others.”

– Mark, graduate 2017

All fees include Laser Learning Awards registration and external verification fees

The cost of the course depends on your starting point.

Cost: £485

  • Students and Graduates of all Qigong and Meridian Yoga teacher training programmes

The criteria for observing your teaching and assignments differ (see the Guide) but we are familiar with your work and your teaching.

Cost: £635

  • Shiatsu teachers in training

You will have arranged your own teaching mentors for the Shiatsu Society requirements. You will need one to one teaching observation.

Cost: £810

  • Other practitioners who would like the Certificate in order to teach their own subject. The course is completed in your own time with video evidence of your teaching.

All fees can be paid in with an initial deposit and instalments.

Laser Learning Awards

Email Booking Form to hastings@shiatsucollege.co.uk