Welcome to Qigong Teacher Training with the Shiatsu College (Est 1984)
After decades of Qigong practice we (about us) saw the need for a high quality Qigong teacher training course. With 100 years of teaching and Qigong practice between us we can support you as you deepen your own practice, guide you to the spiritual depths of Qigong and connect you to the essential principles of the Dao. As fully trained teachers with experience in schools, colleges, charities, corporations and the community we can help you learn new teaching skills and boost your confidence to teach the practice you love.
If you want to strengthen your own practice and develop your teaching skills, you are in the right place.
"This is a well-constructed yet wonderfully fluid course, and I do not know how to describe the depth of knowledge, support and encouragement that has always accompanied the teaching as well as the unfolding of our teaching practice. I felt/feel connected to a strong and grounded wisdom here. Great teachers, great group, great qigong!"
- Irene, Graduate 2014
You can Contact Us for more information
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Bristol Prospectus coming soon